I monkeyed around with the AVR internal clock by downloading the ATMega168 datasheet from the Atmel site, finding and toggling the CKDIV8 bit. As was expected; unprogramming this bit took our AVR clock output from 1MHz to 8MHz. With the "blink" code from last week still loaded, the LED on the output line started to blink faster. One confusing
thing I noted right here: the bit order listed in a fuse byte is read from bit7 to bit0, not the other way around. Seems backward, but I'll just have to remember this (it will of course, if I know myself, bite me in the ass in the future, stay tuned, heh)
I am still using avrdude on Ubuntu Linux (Intrepid) and a ponyser serial programmer. I practiced dumping the fuse bits set by executing the following on the CLI:
$ sudo avrdude -p m168 -P /dev/ttyS0 -c ponyser -U lfuse:r:-:h -U hfuse:r:-:h
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.00s avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9406 avrdude: reading lfuse memory: Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.00s avrdude: writing output file "(I love how Avrdude thanks me. "No, thank YOU!") Setting the fuse bits is just a matter of figuring which bits you want to program, then using similar syntax to write them back out to the micro. When setting the CKDIV8 bit, I looked at the starting config of the low fuse byte (0x62) and figured out the new value when unprogramming (setting to "1") bit7. The value ends up being 0xe2. Using a calculator that does hex to binary conversions is very helpful. [NOTE: the fuse calculator in the tutorial is also tres useful: http://palmavr.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/fc.cgi]" 0x62 avrdude: reading hfuse memory: Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.00s avrdude: writing output file " " 0xdf avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK avrdude done. Thank you.
OK, having set up the hardware, I dug back into the ATMega168 datasheet in search of programming notes regarding selecting the external clock source which I just connected to pins 9 & 10 (PB6 & PB7). Section 1.1.3 of the Pin Descriptions section gave a nice description of the function and linked out directly to what I needed: section 8, System Clock & Clock Options. So I struggled a bit here to understand the different devices you could program up with the 4 CKSEL bits. For a minute there, I was pretty sure I had an "external clock" (0000), but after reading further, and double checking with the tutorial, I found the correct setting was "full swing XTAL oscillator" (0110). NOTE: My homework this week is to find out what qualifies as an "external clock". So, to set my 16MHz external xtal and caps setup as the oscillator, I set the low fuse bit to 11100110 (0xe6)! AND...and? Oh crap. Nothing. Nothing? As soon as I set the fuse bits on the micro, the output LED just quit. I immediatedly attempted to program the fuse low bits back to use internal RC and was met with the following bad news:
$ sudo avrdude -p m168 -P /dev/ttyS0 -c ponyser -U lfuse:w:0xE2:m avrdude: AVR device not responding avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1 Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override this check. avrdude done. Thank you.This time the "thank you" kinda stung. Not responding, thanks? Did I brick my micro with a bad config? After staring for a while, I decided to dig a little. Checked my 5V rail: all good. Checked programmer connections: all ok. Checked fuse low bit config sent (0xe6): confirmed good config. Checked crystal connection: ok. That left the caps - I rolled my eyes and went through the motions of checking the caps, then noticed something odd - "104" marked on the sides. 104? As in, 10uF. Huh, these things were supposed to be 22uF! Pulled the 2nd one, it was also the wrong value. But whatever, right? I mean the demo photo on the tutorial showed no caps at all! However, the subtext was correct. Running with no caps or out-of-spec caps is a crap shoot. The datasheet section 8.4 listed acceptable values for caps C1 and C2 at 12-22uF. I pulled the incorrect caps, installed some 22uF ceramics, and woohoo! Wicked fast blinkage on the output LED. A couple test reads/writes on the micro verified I hadn't damaged anything. Sweet!
So, reading the datasheet and double checking your work are as important as always. Got it.I thinks my flickering LED would look good in a jack-o-lantern! Maybe by next year, I can get something in for Sparkfun's Hack-o-Lantern contest!
Next week I will be using my cool xtal clock to power some comms! Doing the "UART and Serial Communication" Lab
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